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The place to learn about everything fitness, from lifting and cardio to how much exercise you actually need to stay healthy.
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Can an App Really Improve Your Mobility?
WodProof, GOWOD, and Pliability all claim to diagnose your mobility issues.

Three Beginner Lifting Mistakes You Can Avoid
If you keep starting over because the routine just never seems to stick, try fixing these things.

The Easiest Ways to Waste Your Money on Running, According to Reddit
Shoes, jackets, and race registrations can be expensive--and useless, if you're not careful.

How to Turn a Bad Run Around
My first run of the season went wrong in every possible way. Here's how I made sure my second run went great.

What ‘Breathe Into Your Back’ and Other Weird Yoga Terms Actually Mean
How are you supposed to fold yourself like a Japanese ham sandwich, exactly?

Let's Bring Back the Dumbbell Swing
This old-school lift deserves a place in your exercise routine today.

The Best Stim-Free Preworkout Supplement Is Eating a Damn Snack
If you want more energy in the gym, you don't need to look for it in a can.

Lies I Tell Myself in the Gym
Self-deception isn't always a bad habit. Sometimes, it can be your secret to success.

Try These Exercises Instead of Hip Thrusts
The beloved, yet fussy barbell hip thrust isn't the only way to work your glutes.

Why 11 Minutes a Day Is Your New Exercise Target
A new study concludes that a quick daily walk is a lot better than nothing.

I Asked ChatGPT for Workout Suggestions and Wow, They Sucked
The text-generating AI can put words together to look like a workout, but don't trust it with your training.

When Not to ‘Listen to Your Body’
Sensations and emotions can provide valuable feedback during a workout. Sometimes they just lie.

Fasted Morning Workouts Aren't a Fat-Burning Hack
Fasted morning cardio is a popular weight-loss recommendation, but not necessarily the best option.

Make Cheaper (and Better) Protein Shakes With Plain Whey and Coffee Creamer
Store-brand coffee creamer turns plain whey into a delicious shake—and it costs way less than fancy flavored powders.

Don’t Make These Common Beginner Running Mistakes
It's time to fix these things if you want to get faster and fitter.

What to Do When You Can't Feel a Muscle Working
How important is it, really, whether you feel the burn or not?

The Two Biggest Mistakes Beginners Make on the Rowing Machine
If you've always hated the rower, try these fixes.

How to Keep Your Gym Gear From Stinking
You clothes don't have to reek, and neither does that shaker bottle.

How to Get Into Position for a Goblet Squat With a Heavy Kettlebell
Once you're strong enough to squat a heavy bell, getting into position becomes tricky.