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Understand how to nurture the bonds between you and your loved ones, whether you’re experiencing problems in the bedroom, weathering an emotional rough patch, or need clear-cut relationship advice.
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Things You Should Never Say to a Partner (and What to Say Instead)
Never in the history of words has the phrase "calm down" actually calmed someone down.

Why You Should Take a Walk With Someone to Stop an Argument
Moving your body can help get the conversation moving, too.

Do Vibrators Actually Decrease Your Sensitivity?
Contrary to popular belief, not everything that feels good is bad for you.

How to Speak Your Partner's Love Language to Have Better Sex
If speaking their love language can improve your relationship, it can improve your sex life, too.

The Only Scenarios When It's Absolutely OK to Ghost Someone
There are times when you are well within your rights to up and disappear.

How to Date Someone Who's Very Online, When You're Very Offline (and Vice Versa)
You and your partner may have vastly different relationships to social media—but there are ways to navigate it together.

How to Recover From a Breakup
And how to know when you're finally ready to move on.

Can a Rebound Relationship Ever Work?
If you want to get over your heartbreak without causing one for someone else, you have to lead with honesty.

How to Have More Sex
Everyone wants to get it on more often, but making that happen can be a challenge.

The Major Stages in Every Relationship (and What to Avoid in Each One)
The honeymoon can't last forever, but your relationship still can.

These Are Better Ways to Show Affection, Based on Your Partner's Love Language
Expressing love in your partner's primary love language promotes empathy and connection.

How to Buy Better Valentine's Day Gifts
Because flowers suck, and we both know you can do better.

Go Ahead, Be a Cuck
Cuckoldry gets a bad rap, but it's one of many totally normal things you can get up to in the bedroom

What Are Your Partner's Grossest Habits?
Because we've all lived with someone who makes us go, "No. Please. This can't be happening."

How Much PDA Is Too Much PDA?
To figure out how much PDA you can get away with, let your surroundings be your guide.

How to Spot a 'Dark Empath'
They seem empathetic at first—but there's darkness under the surface.

How to Write the Perfect Personal Letter
Cover letters you send with job applications don't count.

Why 'Under-Sharing' Is Just As Bad As Oversharing (and How to Stop Doing It)
Suppressing your feelings 24/7 is bad for your mental health and your relationships, so cut that shit out.

How to 'Come Out' As an Atheist Without Destroying Your Relationships
You can be true to yourself without spiraling into a fierce debate.