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The Best Way to Store Leftover Turkey
If you actually needed an excuse to make extra gravy, here it is.

Outlet Grocery Stores Can Save You a Ton of Money
Outlet grocery stores—aka salvage groceries or food liquidators—buy up food that’s almost expired, dented, or otherwise imperfect and sell it to you at a large discount.

There's a Faster Way to Type Anything on an iPhone
Holding down the 123 key instead of tapping it saves you time typing alternative characters on iPhone.

Tinfoil in the Dishwasher Doesn't Actually Shine Your Flatware
TikTok says you should put tinfoil in your dishwasher. You don't have to.

Want to slap your boss? Trick a drug-sniffing dog? Explain away your STD? Here's how. (Not that we're recommending any of these.)

They say "living well is the best revenge," but they say a lot of crap.

I'll Take the Check, When You Have a Moment
Eight years, five EICs, four corporate owners, at least as many CEOs, and two union contract negotiations later, I’m moving on.

The Best Ways to (Safely) Hide Power Outlets
Electricity's great and all, but sometimes power outlets can be an eyesore.

This technique helps you use images to retrieve words, and is useful when taking a test.

The Best Ways to Keep Seeds Organized and Stored All Year
Keeping your seeds as viable as possible means limiting exposure to light, air, and moisture.

Why Not Shape Your Gnocchi Into Wee Pumpkins?
This pumpkin-shaped gnocchi recipe is perfect for fall. All you need are dental floss and some cloves.

Use the ‘OHIO’ Method to Manage Endless Tasks and Messages
The less time you waste deciding what to do, the more time you'll have to work.

The Best Ways to Remove Paint Splatters From Any Surface
These methods will help you remove paint from carpet, wood, concrete, and more.

The Best Ways to Thicken Chili
No matter the color, meat used, or bean content, chili should not be watery. Chili should be thick.

The Best Ways to Actually Hear TV Dialogue
There are steps you can take to actually hear what actors are mumbling on your favorite TV show.

The Best Air Fryer Pumpkin Seeds Are Brined in Beer
It's all about the overnight soak and a super quick cook time.

These Popular TikTok Cleaning ‘Hacks’ Don’t Actually Work
To start, boiling water is not what you want to mop your floor with.

The Best Ways to Reuse Your Old Kitchen Tools
They may not be fit for food, but can serve other purposes in your home.

Really interrogate what you're learning by reading through it critically in this three-step approach.

All the Yard and Garden Tasks You Should Do in October
Rainy days are here, and it's time to put your toys away and get ready for winter.