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It combines the methodology of mind mapping with the convenience of a computer.

All the Seeds You Should Be Saving Right Now for Next Year
These are the easiest seeds to save from this year's garden to kickstart next year's garden.

Hand-writing is preferred for retention, but not for ease of study.

Mark up your books wisely if you want to retain what they're telling you.

Why You Should Switch From Google Authenticator to iCloud Keychain
As long as you only use Apple devices, you're better off using iCloud Keychain.

Don’t Prune These Bushes in the Fall
Put down the clippers and enjoy some tea instead before you do any real harm

You Should Clean Your Sink's Overflow Hole
It has one job, but can't do it when it's full of gunk.

The Best Ways to Streamline Your Grocery Shopping and Save Money
Maintaining a digital shopping list will save you dollars (and frustration) at the grocery store.

All the ‘Single-Use’ Household Items You Should Be Re-Using
From foil and parchment paper to soap, there’s a lot household items we treat as single-use that we really should be re-using.

Use the ‘4D’ Method to Keep Up With Your Inbox
Delete the email; do what the email says; delegate; or defer it.

Use the '20/10 Method' to Clean Without Exhausting Yourself
This is one of the best cleaning methods when you're feeling overwhelmed.

Use the ‘Yesterbox’ Method to Stay on Top of Your Inbox
Turn your never-ending to-do list into a finite one.

Everything You Should Document Right Now for Next Year's Garden
The sometimes magical, sometimes annoying thing about your garden is how much it changes.

Why You Should Never Buy an Apple iPhone Case
A good case is worth its asking price. Apple's iPhone cases, sadly, are not.

Why You Should Never Tent Your Turkey With Foil After Cooking It
Do you want soggy skin? Because that's how you get soggy skin.

To make sure you fully grasp the main idea of what you're studying, whittle it down.

You'll need to work with other people, but it'll reduce how much you have to read.

The Best Ways to Reuse Old Bricks in Your Yard
You have valuable material on your hands, and should use it.

Plus, some tools to help you achieve that science even in a noisy home.

The Best Ways to Protect Your Kids From Online Scams
Make sure your kids are safe from identity theft, fraud, and other scams.