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Everything about getting fitter, staying healthy, and understanding your body and mind
Page 13

TikTok Myth of the Week: All Your Problems Are Due to High Cortisol
In which cancer symptoms and ordinary human experience are rolled together and marketed as the same thing (which ashwagandha will surely cure).

Meredith's Training Diary: Nothing New on Race Day
The best way to redirect your pre-race nerves is to plan, plan, plan.

Yes, the FDA Really Did Issue a Warning About Black Licorice
(The warning was not, however, that it "tastes like shit.")

How to Prepare for the Dentist if You Haven't Been in Forever
If you haven't visited the dentist in a year—or a decade—here's how to get ready and what to expect.

Your Kids Are Absolutely Dumb Enough to Eat Magnets
Even with all the warnings about magnets, kids are still swallowing them—and ending up in the hospital.

Meredith's Training Diaries: Surviving the Dreaded Taper
Sometimes the hardest part of marathon training is when you *aren't* running.

12 Bodyweight Exercises That Will Actually Make You Stronger
Forget doing a million reps of the easy stuff—choose moves that will challenge your muscles.

Is the Novavax COVID Vaccine Actually ‘Better’?
Including why you're seeing those commercials, and how it differs from mRNA vaccines.

The Best Exercises to Do With a Landmine Attachment
Pivoting a barbell from the ground opens up all kinds of muscle-building possibilities.

The Right Ways to Load and Unload a Barbell
In which we tell you all the little tricks that experienced gym rats know and you don't.

The Best Isometric Exercises for Beginners
Isometric exercises don't have to be hard if you ease into them.

You Should Build a Pain ‘Tool Kit’ to Manage Flare-Ups
Emergency preparedness isn't reserved for weather events.

You Can Get 'Long Colds' and 'Long Flu,' Too
Research on long COVID has found that other illnesses may have "long" versions as well.

You Can Throw Away Your COVID Vaccine Card Now
(Or keep it to hand down to your grandkids as a souvenir of that time you lived through a pandemic.)

Meredith's Training Diary: My Favorite Way to Fuel for a Marathon
It's not all about carbo-loading...but it is a lot about carbo-loading.

When You Need to Do 'Activation Exercises' (and When You Don't)
Activations don't always have an advantage over other types of warmups.

TikTok Myth of the Week: ‘Bone Smashing’ Will Make You Beautiful
"Bone smashing" is the pinnacle of ill-advised looksmaxxing.

Here's How Many Calories I Burned Riding an E-bike Vs. a Regular Bike
You may burn fewer calories per mile, but e-bikers tend to get more exercise overall.

The Best Ways to Get Motivated to Work Out Every Morning
I can't make you love your workout, but these tips can make it easier to fit it in.

The Unbreakable Rules of Running Track Etiquette
In running, as in life, it's important to stay in your lane.