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How to Use Your AirPods’ Hidden ‘Reset’ Feature When They Refuse to Cooperate
If your AirPods (or Beats or other Bluetooth headphones) are acting up, use this trick to fix them.

What Is OLED Burn-In? (And How to Avoid It)
With so many devices now using OLED screens, how prevalent is OLED burn in?

The Oculus Quest 2 Accessories You Need (and Some You Definitely Don’t)
Oculus Quest 2 accessories run the gamut from absolutely necessary to just plain silly.

Make Switching From iPhone to Android Suck Less (and Vice Versa)
Switching mobile operating systems can be a headache. These strategies should provide some relief.

How to Install a Security Camera Without Breaking the Law
You can legally install security cameras looking at some places, but not others.

How to Use Your Google Home Hub to Save More Energy
You can track—and consequently reduce—how much energy many of your "smart" home gadgets are using.

How Does the Pixel 6 Stack Up Against the iPhone 13?
No one can review the Pixel yet—but which flagship smartphone looks better on paper?

How to 'Haunt' Your House Using Smart Speakers
Use your smart speaker to spook your guests (or at least tell a few Halloween jokes).

This Site Can Tell You If Anyone Else Has Taken Pictures With Your Camera
If your camera has gone missing, check out this website—it's worth a shot.

8 Ways to Make Your Old Smartphone Feel New Again
The iPhone 13 is enticing, but there is probably a lot more life left in your current device.

Your Fitbit Can Now Let You Know Whether You Snore
And more importantly, it can track whether that or other night noises ar disrupting your sleep.

How to Guilt a Stranger Into Returning Your Lost AirPods
Updating this Bluetooth setting increases the chances you'll recover your missing buds.

How to Check for Updates on Your Pixel Buds A-Series
Pixel Buds suffer from a volume bug; a new update fixes the problem.

Bluetooth Headphones Will Never Give You the Best Sound Quality
There's a reason why you need wired headphones to enjoy the best of the best.

Why You Shouldn't Waste Time (or Money) Worrying About 'Battery Health'
For many devices these days, it's just not worth your attention.

Are Bone Conduction Headphones Worth the Hype?
How to decide whether this technology is something you need in your life.

The Do's and Don'ts of Buying a Refurbished Laptop
You can save some cash by buying an almost-new laptop—if you do it right.