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Mental Health
How to take care of your mental health
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Here's How to Identify (and Cope With) a Covert Narcissist
Narcissists come in different varieties and don't all act the same way.

How to Tell the Difference Between Sadness and Depression
It’s like comparing a single star to a constellation.

How to Overcome Medical Trauma
Medical trauma has its own recovery process. Here's what to know.

25 Calming Videos to Watch If You're Feeling Panicky About the Midterm Elections
Come along with us on our video journey, as we try not to think too hard about...all the things.

What to Do If You Have Recurring Nightmares
Nightmare disorder is real, and the treatment may surprise you.

You Can Get PTSD From a Car Accident (and How to Recover)
Car accidents are one of the most common ways that civilians develop PTSD—but there are ways to get past it.

How to Stop Stewing About Something
It can be hard to get over something that feels personal.

Use the 'Spotlight Technique' to Stop a Cycle of Worry and Anxiety
Redirect your attention and focus away from from the uncertainty.

Should You Look at Your Medical Test Results Early?
Or will it just send you into a worry spiral while you wait to talk to the doc?

How Your Guilt Can Actually Help You
When used as a tool, guilt can motivate you toward positive change.

You Can Let Out Your Rage in Healthy, Productive Ways
Sometimes you just need to punch a wall, but you don't have a wall to punch.

The Difference Between a Collector and a Hoarder
Having too much stuff isn't the same as having hoarding disorder.

How to Cope With Mental Health Struggles When Treatment Isn't Accessible
If you're out of therapy or waiting for treatment, try these evidence-backed skills to help you through rough times.

Why You Should See a Therapist Even If You Don’t ‘Need’ One
Therapy still carries a stigma of illness or instability—but everyone can benefit from the process.

The Difference Between Problem-Based and Emotion-Based Coping
The best type of coping skill for you will depend on the situation you're in.

Why Basically Everyone Should Be Screened for Anxiety Disorder
You know it's been a rough few years when the government tells you to ask your doctor about your anxiety.

How to Know If You Have a 'Good' Therapist
You should feel supported and accepted, even if you're working through hard problems.

How to Tell If You Have Pandemic-Related PTSD
Some experts are starting to call it COVID Stress Syndrome.

The Differences Between Anxiety and Depression (and When to Get Help)
How to help yourself—and others—if you're struggling with anxiety, depression, or both.