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What to eat, and why
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Why You Don't Need to Refrigerate Peanut Butter
It's safe to keep PB at room temperature. So why do some people keep it in the fridge?

TikTok Myth of the Week: There's Plastic on Your Lettuce
People are peeling something off their lettuce leaves, but it's not plastic.

Make These Cheap and Healthy Meals With Stuff Already in Your Pantry
Chances are you already have the ingredients on hand.

Why You Should Stop Eating Raw Oysters
Warming oceans are increasing the occurrence of the deadly Vibrio vulnificus bacteria in raw oysters.

TikTok ‘Diet’ of the Week: The Ice Hack for Weight Loss Is an Ad for a Dumb Supplement
There, now you don't have to click through all those annoying bio links just to be disappointed.

Should You Choose Huel or Soylent When You Want to Drink Your Food?
Soylent and Huel are weird and arguably dumb, but they also taste kind of okay!

The Best High-Protein Snacks You Can Get at a Gas Station
Protein bars aren't your only option for a high-protein snack on the road.

Yes, a Healthy Diet Can Include Ultra-Processed Food
A new study by the USDA shows how imperfect using the NOVA scale is.

TikTok Diet of the Week: the Mustard and Cottage Cheese Plate
Tiffany is not the first person to put mustard on fruit, and she won't be the last.

Aspartame's 'Possible Carcinogen' Designation Means Basically Nothing
It would be in the same category as pickled vegetables and aloe vera.

The Difference Between 'Heirloom' and 'Heritage' Chickens
There are different terms to know if you're buying tomatoes or chicken.

Why You Should Stop Eating Fake Sugars, According to the World Health Organization
And it's not because they're necessarily bad for you.

Three Unexpected Times You Should Eat Sour Patch Kids
The mouth-puckering candy may help your anxiety, cramps, and gym fatigue.

When Nutrition Timing Actually Matters
Carbs before a workout, protein throughout the day? Here's what you need to know.

The Easiest Ways to Eat Cheap and Healthy on a Road Trip
Including where to get lunch and what to do if your hotel fridge doesn't keep things cold enough.

Here's How Long You Can Leave Butter Out of the Fridge
Unrefrigerated butter is pleasantly soft and spreadable, but it doesn't have the same lifespan as refrigerated butter.

What Magnesium Supplements Can Actually Do
It's not a wonder pill, but evidence suggests magnesium can ease migraine symptoms, among other benefits.

The Items on the ‘Food Disgust Test’ That Are Actually Unsafe to Eat
Some of the things on the viral quiz are dangerous, while others are merely gross.

Which Fermented Foods Are Actually Good For You?
Some of those gut-healthy "fermented" foods aren't even fermented.

These Are the Best Cheap and Easy No-Cook Foods, According to Reddit
In a spot where you can't cook? You don't have to order takeout—these grocery staples will do.