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Toxic Christmas Tree Water, and Other Holiday Pet Dangers You Never Knew About
You probably already keep your cat away from candles, but what about lillies?

You Can Fix Your Dog’s Begging Before Thanksgiving Arrives
There's still time to at least try to curb their habit.

It Is Possible to Stop Your Cat From Scratching Your Furniture
Help your cats fulfill their scratching needs without taking it out on the furniture.

How to Choose the Right Breed of Dog for You, According to Cesar Millan
The world-renowned trainer believes energy level is the most important factor to consider.

How to Introduce Yourself to a Dog, According to Cesar Millan
The “Dog Whisperer” star reveals the secret to a successful first meeting.

Don't Let the Kids Kiss Your Pet Lizard
The CDC warns about another salmonella outbreak tied to bearded dragons.

How to Put Your Freeloading Dog to Work at Home
Really, these "jobs" are mostly for their benefit.

How to Get Your Dog to Stop Barking at the Mail Carrier
Your dog probably doesn't actually hate the postal service.

Do This Now in Case You Are Separated From Your Pet After a Disaster
A little preparedness now can help you get your buddy back if you're ever separated.

Hypoallergenic Dogs Don't Exist, But These Breeds Are the Most Allergy-Friendly
Yes, it's possible to be allergic to hairless dogs.

How to Train Your Dog to Like the Vet
You can train your dog to be a little better about going to the veterinarian.

Keep These Things Updated on Your Pet's Microchip (and How to Do It)
Consider this your reminder to check that everything is correct in the database.

Don't Let Your Dog Swim in Green Water
Cyanobacteria blooms occur this time of year, and they can be toxic.

Why You Really Shouldn’t Take in a Wild Bird
Keeping a wild bird isn't just a little unethical—it can even be illegal.

How to Adopt One of the 4,000 Beagles Rescued From a Breeding Facility
Thousands of dogs that were bred to be sold to laboratories are about to hit shelters around the country.

Is It Ever OK to Walk Your Dog in a Cemetery?
Unless your local cemetery explicitly allows dogs, it's best to leave yours at home.

The Difference Between a Guard Dog and a Watch Dog
Plus, some of the breeds that are up for either job.

How to Perform CPR on a Dog
If your dog needs emergency help, you can be the one to give it to them.

How to Make a Duckling Think You're Its Mother
You can make a duck love you unconditionally. And crap all over your house.

Yes, Your Dog Can Drink Too Much Water (and How to Tell)
It's possible for your dog to be overhydrated, too.