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Dryer Sheets Suck (Use These Alternatives Instead)
Dryer sheets aren't worth the expense or the headaches. Enter: aluminum foil?

Remember These Foul (Yet Often Forgotten) Places in Your Fall Cleanup
These places are often overlooked during a big clean. But they really shouldn't be.

How to Decode the Confusing Care Labels on Your Clothes
And why it's important to pay attention to the labels in the first place.

Can Lemons Really Make Your Whites Whiter?
Lemons can clean a lot of things, but can it replace bleach?

How to Properly Clean a Gravestone
Whether you're looking after one in particular, or want to do something nice for dead strangers.

How to Get That Funky Smell Out of Your Sheets
Here's what to do when you catch a whiff of indeterminate funk.

How to Get Rid of Grass Stains
Grass stains are hard to get out, but not impossible.

How to Clean Mold From Tub, Tile, and Grout Corners With Toilet Paper
Getting mold out of grout or caulking is easy with a little TP.

Why You Actually Shouldn't Boil Your Wooden Spoons
Boiling a wooden spoon could mean more harm than good.

How to Not Be an Asshole to Your Housekeeper
A housekeeper isn't your servant, and you'd do well to know the difference.

Is Laundry Stripping a Bunch of Baloney?
Well, for starters, we're all using way too much laundry detergent.

The Easiest (and Most Natural) Ways to Get Rid of Garbage Disposal Odors
The solution to mystery odors doesn't have to be "move out, then torch the place."

How and When to Clean Your (Probably) Disgusting Bird Feeder
Dirty bird feeders spread diseases, and that's not cool.

The Best Way to Clean Your Vacuum Brush, According to TikTok
Dirt, dust, and hair stop your vacuum brush from spinning, but cleaning it is easier than you think.

Actually, It's Not That Dirty to Wear Your Shoes Inside
You can take them off before you come in, but it's probably fine if you don't.