Amanda Blum
Freelance writer
Amanda writes about smart home technology and gardening.
MORE BY Amanda

Pickle Some Cherry Blossoms Before It's Too Late
Preserved cherry blossoms are the hope we need in the world right now.

Start Your Year With This Deep, Sensual Freezer Reorganization
Voulez-vous nettoyer avec moi, cette soir? Organizing your space can be deeply satisfying.

You Can Make Ultra-Impressive Party Food Without Spending a Fortune
These tricks can help you serve food that punches well above its price point.

How to Throw a Party Like a Real Goddamn Adult
I’ve thrown parties for five and soirees for 20,000, and in the end, the rules all stay the same.

The Three Best Recipes That Will Get You Eggcited About Christmas Brunch
Find yourself suffering from ennui about what the hell to do with eggs? Two words: bacon hashtags.

Absolutely Do Not Cook This Goose
Or: Why you can't always trust old cookbooks, Martha Stewart, or the internet.

You Should Definitely Make Some Christmas Tree Syrup
Christmas tree syrup won’t have the visual impact of a dead tree sacrament, but it will taste a lot better.

Don't Overthink Your Latkes
Chanukah is literally a holiday of doing more with less.

Actually, You Should Roast This Duck Instead of a Turkey
If you're someone with a 23-step turkey plan, you’ll probably complicate a duck. But you don't have to.

You Should Make Your Dog Their Very Own Pumpkin Loaf
It's PSL season, bitches! See what I did th--nevermind.

You Should Ferment Some Cranberries in Honey Immediately
Get yourself to the store or farmers market today and dump them suckers into a jar.

5 Ways to Use Up Your End-of-Season Cherry Tomatoes
Sure, you could stand over your tomato plants and eat them raw until your heart dissolves in acid. Or you could try one of these five tactics.

You Should Smoke Out Your End of Season Garden Veg
Smoky Gazpacho will help you clean out your garden and your pantry all in one delicious swoop.