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image of Windows 11 screen
How to Enable and Customize Dark Mode in Windows 11
microsoft edge logo
How to Change Your Default Browser on Windows 11
TRex running in the macOS menu bar. The options include Capture, Capture & Run Automation, Capture from Clipboard, and Ignore Line Breaks
This App Can Copy Text From Literally Anything on Your Mac’s Screen
The services menu on a Mac, which you can find by right-clicking basically anything on your Mac. Here "Dictate" is highlighted.
The Best Services, or Mini-apps, to Add to Your Mac
It's a very simple app: just a bunch of checkboxes. They include: Disable File Explorer Ads; Disable Lock Screen Tips And Ads; Disable Settings Ads; Disable General Tips And Ads; Disable "Finish Setup" Ads; Disable "Welcome Experience" Ads; Disable Personalized Ads; Disable "Tailored Experiences"; Disable Start Menu ads.
Use This App to Block Ads on Windows 11
A cluttered, 90s era version of Mac OS is shown running in a virtual frame. There's a ton of stickie notes.
Play With These Retro Mac OS Versions in Your Browser
A user pushes the Windows key on their keyboard
Use This Windows 11 Key to Enter Dozens of Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts
A menu bar icon is clicked to reveal a list of applications. The Games folder is open, showing a few titles there.
You Can Add a Windows-style Start Menu to MacOS
Windows keyboard
52 of the Best Windows 11 Keyboard Shortcuts
A man smiles while playing a video game on his PC
How to Improve Performance in Almost Any PC Game
The logo for Windows 11
How to Disconnect Your Windows Account From the Cloud
A fresh install of Windows 11 with only two things in the start menu: Settings and Windows Explorer.
How to Install Windows 11 Without All the Extra Junk
Microsoft Edge's logo struck out against a green background.
This App Stops Windows 11 From Opening Search Results in Edge
Computers displaying logos for Windows 10 and Windows 11
Why Gamers Shouldn't Bother Disabling VBS in Windows
A search for the the "hey look no bing" in the start menu. There are no results.
How to Fix Search Results in the Windows 11 Start Menu
Surface Laptop Studio 2 on a teal and green gradient background.
The Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio 2 Is Over $500 Off
closeup of person using a smartphone
The Best Obsidian Plugins to Organize Your Notes (and Your Life)
Windows 11 running on a laptop
How to Block the New Ads Microsoft Added to Windows 11
A photograph of a laptop displaying the Windows 11 logo
How to Upgrade Your 'Unsupported' PC to Windows 11