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Credit Cards
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Three of the Best Ways to Improve Your Credit Score
Plus, let's figure out what a good credit score actually is.

How to Get Cell Phone Insurance for Free
Many cells phones offer cell phone theft and damage insurance for no additional cost.

Why a Crypto Rewards Credit Card Is Probably a Bad Idea
For most borrowers, a simple cash back card is always going to be the better option.

The Difference Between a Charge Card and Credit Card (and Why It Matters)
Charge cards are a whole other financial product, apart from credit cards.

Is 'The Smartest Credit Card Ever Made' Actually That Smart?
Silicon Valley's X1 credit card does have some “smart” offerings you don’t see with traditional lenders.

When to Downgrade Your Credit Card Instead of Canceling
Sometimes downgrading is a better option than canceling your card completely.

Is Your Credit Card Annual Fee Refundable?
Lenders' policies vary, but your best bet is to close your account within a month of renewal.

Why You Might Want a No-Fee Hotel Credit Card (Even If You Don’t Travel Often)
Many hotel cards offer automatic upgrades and perks that don't require extra spending.

How to Time Your Credit Card Payments to Raise Your Credit Score
To get the best credit score, you'll need to know your credit card's closing date.

Why AmEx's Platinum Travel Card Is Worth the Absurd New $700 Annual Fee
The price hike comes with additional—and generous—spending credits to offset it.

Ensure You'll Be Approved for a Credit Limit Increase Before You Apply
Requesting an increase can temporarily ding your credit—here's how to know it'll pay off.

Always Ask for a Credit Card Sign-up Bonus, Even If You Already Signed Up
Maybe you'll be turned down, but some lenders will honor bonuses even after you've signed up.

You Shouldn't Use Your New Credit Card Until You Do These Things
It's a good idea to fine-tune a few credit card account settings before you start spending.

Paying Your Rent With Credit Might Actually Make Sense With This New Card
The Bilt Mastercard can be used to pay rent without any of the usual service fees.

What You Need to Know About Statement Credits Before Choosing a Credit Card
Spending credits can offset annual fees that usually total $100-550, if you use them.