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Stop Enabling Your Dog's Bad Behavior
Your dog may not be the only one who needs training.

How to Raise Chickens Even If You Live in a City
You may think it’s not really an option for you—but you might be wrong.

How to Get Pet Vomit (and Its Smell) Out of Your Carpet
Forget tile or hardwood floors: Pets seem to prefer throwing up on carpet.

How to Stop Your Dog From Bringing Outdoor Allergens Into Your Home
You're not going to bathe them every time they go outside.

Why Your Dog Smells Worse Than Their Friends
It's best not to ignore the stink: It could be the sign of a health issue.

Your Dog's White Fur Can Be Even Whiter
Here's how to prevent fur discoloration—and deal with it when it happens anyway.

How Often You Need to Wash Your Dog's Food Bowl
What to keep in mind about your pet and food safety.

Why Your Dog Eats Shit (and How to Get Them to Stop)
It’s normal for your dog to participate in a little shit-eating—but we understand if you’d like it to stop.

The Best Gadgets for When You Feel Bad Leaving Your Pet Alone
This technology can help keep our pets safe and well-cared for, even in our absence.

Use These Pantry Items as Pet-Safe Ant Repellants
Keep those pesky ants out, and your furry friends safe.

How to Stop Your Dog From Eating Grass
Plus, why your dog is compelled to eat grass in the first place.

How to Hide a Dog From Your Landlord, If You Must
It's risky, but you can try to keep your dog a big, furry secret.

The Difference Between a Service Dog and a Therapy Dog
Both are adorable, but only one has legal rights in public spaces.

Should You Adopt a Pet?
Find out if you're actually ready for a dog or just having a moment.

Keep These Common Super Bowl Snacks Away From Your Dog
Some of the most popular party foods are dangerous for dogs.

How Cold Is Too Cold for a Dog?
What to know about keeping your dog safe in cold, winter weather.