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What to eat, and why
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What Is a 'Healthy' Cereal, Anyway?
The FDA doesn't consider some of our childhood favorites to be "healthy," but why should they?

Social Media Is Wrong About Microwaves
Do microwaves destroy nutrients? Expose you to radiation? Let's bust a few myths.

What I Learned From Tracking My Calorie Burn for a Year
Turns out exercising doesn't increase the number of calories burned by much—but eating more does.

The FDA Finally Has a Definition for 'Healthy' Food
The agency has spent more than five years trying to work out what the word actually means.

How Many Cups of Coffee You Should Drink Per Day, According to 'Science'
Coffee may have health benefits, but we're still figuring out the optimal amount.

What Supplements Are Worth Taking?
Here’s where to start with protein, creatine, and pre-workout.

The Best Alternatives to MyFitnessPal
As a bonus, you'll get fewer ads and more accurate calorie information.

Why Not Grate an Apple Into Your Overnight Oats?
The apple is a key ingredient of Bircher muesli, the 120-year-old recipe we've been riffing on all this time.

The Easiest Way to Communicate Your Food Allergies While Traveling
Translated cards are available in a variety of languages for different allergies and conditions.

This Is How Much Water to Pack When You Go to the Beach
Hot weather calls for hydration, so pack accordingly.

The Energy Bars With the Best Ingredients (and Least Sugar)
They may be equally convenient, but not all energy bars are created equal.

Why You Shouldn't Store Your Avocados in Water After All
This TikTok hack could make you sick. There are other ways to keep a cut avocado from browning.

Your 'Fresh' Fish Was Probably Frozen, Too
The stuff in the freezer aisle is just as good, and usually cheaper.

Chicken Thighs Are 'Healthy,' Too
For only 100 calories more than a chicken breast, you can have a savory, skin-on delight.