Brianne Hogan
MORE BY Brianne

Try These Positions If Sex Is Painful for You
Expanding your idea of pleasure and maintaining connection is key.

A Complete Guide to Manifesting Love Into Your Life
It'll take more intentional action than pure magic to make it happen.

Here's How to Actually Get Closure From an Ex
You can gain clarity—and hopefully, peace—after a relationship ends.

You Should Try ‘Intuitive Dating’
Listening to your gut might actually be the easiest way to find your next partner.

Your Intense Co-Dependency Might Be a ‘Karmic Relationship’
It may be a type of soulmate relationship—but one without the happy ending.

A Guide to Having Quiet, Sneaky Sex When You're Home for the Holidays
Use code words, convenient clothing, and the Lotus position.

Stop Adding Friends to Your Relationship Fights
Inviting a third party into your arguments can be a form of manipulation.

How to Manage Your Anxiety During the Holidays
It'll help to embrace the imperfections and manage your expectations.

You're Most Likely to Break Up In January
Assess whether your reasons are valid, or if you're being influenced by the holidays.

These Symptoms Are (Fairly) Normal After Having Sex
Symptoms like muscle soreness, bloating, and flushing are common.

How to Tell If an Ex Is ‘Winter Coating’ You This Holiday Season
It's like needing a familiar coat to keep you warm until the spring.

Beware of 'Snow Globing' When Dating During the Holidays
It's that time of year when everyone gets a little lonely.

‘Failing’ at Dating Is a Good Thing, Actually
Every failure moves you one step closer to your ideal partner and relationship.

You Should Be 'Textually Compatible' With Your Partner
You send a well-meaning text and they leave you on read. Is there a bigger problem?

Why 'Revenge Cheating' Never Works
It sounds satisfying at first, but it won't make you "even"—it will only make things worse.

The Perfect Number of Dating App Conversations You Should Have at Once
Playing the field is better than having all your eggs in one basket.

The Stages of Grief After a Breakup (and How to Survive Each One)
The end of a relationship really can feel like a death.

Maybe You Should Try ‘Quiet Quitting’ Your Love Life
Putting yourself first might actually bring you closer to finding your best partner.

How ‘Retroactive Jealousy’ Can Ruin a Relationship (and What to Do About It)
Everyone has a past, including your partner. That doesn't take away from what you have together.

How to Tell When You’ve Outgrown Your Relationship
It's normal for partners to grow at different paces—here's how to decide whether it's time to move on.