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10 Overbred Dog Breeds You Should Avoid (and One That Isn’t)
These dogs don't deserve what we've done to them; don’t overpay a breeder to get one.

The First Aid Supplies Every Dog Owner Needs
Consider these essential items to treat your canine kid's injuries.

How to Keep Your Dog or Cat Safe From Coyotes
Coyotes can be found in every state except Hawaii.

What Do You Wish You Had Known Before Adopting Your Pet?
I'm sorry, wait a second—dog food costs how much?!

What to Do If Your Dog Eats Chocolate
A few of the ways to help your four-legged friend.

What Is the Best Indoor Temperature for Your Dog?
Well, it depends—but there is a general range that should keep them comfortable.

How to Hide the Fact That Your Cat Poops in a Box in Your House
Look, everyone deserves a little bathroom privacy, including our cats.

How Cold is 'Cold' for a Dog?
What to know about keeping your dog safe in cold, winter weather.

Where to Live If You Want a Pet Lion
You should not own a lion as a pet, but if you must, here are the legal guidelines.

Yes, Your Cat Is an Actual Psychopath (and How to Deal With It)
Your kitten is an adorable, warm pile of purr who would almost certainly eat you if you fell down the stairs.

What You Should Know Before Switching Your Dog to an Annual Heartworm Shot
Once-a-year jabs have some advantages over your dog's monthly meds, but there are tradeoffs.

DIY Projects Anyone Can Do to Improve Their Dog's Life
Dogs make our lives better; here's how we can return the favor.

Snag $1,000 for Looking Like Your Pet
For anyone who has been told that the resemblance is uncanny.

How to Decide Whether to Board or Bring Your Pet on a Holiday Road Trip
Something you should consider ahead of time—especially if you're staying in someone's home.

Don't Feed Your Cat Sushi, and Other Surprising Stuff That Could Kill Them
Many human foods don't provide the nutrients pets need—or are downright toxic.

You Should Make Your Dog Their Very Own Pumpkin Loaf
It's PSL season, bitches! See what I did th--nevermind.

Make Your Very Good Dog Their Own Tool Bag
That pup wants nothing more than to be the best helper they can be.

Chocolate Is Not the Only Halloween Candy That Is Dangerous for Dogs
Some of these common treats are poisonous for dogs; others are a choking hazard.

You Can Use GPS to Track Your Pet (Because a Microchip Won't)
Here are some of our favorites for keeping real-time tabs on your pets.