Amanda Blum
Freelance writer
Amanda writes about smart home technology and gardening.
MORE BY Amanda

This Smart Charcoal Grill Is Worth the Learning Curve
This fantastically priced barbecue was so smart, it made a miserable assembly process totally worth it.

This Smart Electric Grill Can’t Replace Your Barbecue
Despite achieving its promised 700°F heat, this grill is not worth the $999.99 sticker price for several reasons.

These Home Security Systems Can Shoot Paintballs (and More)
The latest residential security systems deploy paintballs, pepper spray, and/or "disorienting fog."

These Are the Best Free Gardening Apps
These tools will make every aspect of gardening much easier, and won't cost you a dime.

How to Move Your Seedlings Outside Without Killing Them
Prepare your precious seedlings for the cold, hard world.

Why You Should Start Planning Your Fall Gardening Now
All the blooms you see right now were planted last fall, which means you should be taking stock of the garden so you can make a plan for what you'll plant come September.

TikTok's 'Seed Snailing' Trend Isn't a Gardening Hack
This TikTok trend does work, but not nearly as well as seed trays or other methods.

Why You Should Embrace a Chaotic Garden
Stop trying to achieve a perfect garden and make room for more joy.

Everything I’ve Learned Testing Several Robot Lawn Mowers
Robot lawn mowers can bring neighbors together, but can also inspire jealousy and theft.

The Difference Between Power Banks, Power Stations, and Whole-Home Backups
Understanding how much energy you need will determine what kind of backup batteries you should buy.

The Mila Air Purifier Is Stylish and Smart (but Expensive)
There's a lot to like about the highly customized experience that Mila offers—if you can afford it.

This Robot Lawn Mower Is a Solid Choice for Smaller Yards
The Navimow is a reliable lawnbot that gets the job done, as long as your yard is small-ish and fairly level.

Why You Should Landscape With Native Plants (and Where to Find Them)
There's a reason why a cactus doesn't thrive in the forest.

What to Start Seeding and Planting in May
May means you can finally start direct seeding flowers and vegetables.

All the Gardening Tasks to Tackle in May
There's a lot to do, including fertilizing, planting, seeding and watching for your last freeze date to pass.

Five Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Indoor Garden
Tools like automation, a level, and a massage wand turn out to be really useful for getting the most out your indoor hydroponic garden.

How to Keep Your Garden Well-Mulched (and Why You Should)
Mulch is much more important than people think, and when it's done right, it won't blow away.

You Should Grow a Pizza Garden This Summer
Few things in life are as satisfying as eating a meal full of vegetables you grew yourself.

Watch the Weather, Not the Calendar, for Planting Times
Last frost dates are important guides for planting, but aren't always accurate.

Coconut Oil Won’t Keep Pests Off Your Houseplants (and What to Use Instead)
You could wind up smothering your plant babies.