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What to eat, and why
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What’s Really Included in a Food’s Calorie Count (and What Isn't)
Raw or cooked? With or without the peel? What about bones?

Intermittent Fasting Isn't the Answer
According to a new study, midnight snacks are back on the menu.

Why All Weight Loss Hacks Suck
Vinegar isn't the secret to weight loss, and nobody who published a clickbait article about it ever thought it was.

All the Best and Worst Ways to Use Protein Powder
In a smoothie? Great. In mashed potatoes?? We have questions.

Here's How Plant-Based 'Meats' Stack Up, Nutritionally
Just because they can swap for meat in a recipe doesn't mean they have equivalent macros.

'Clean,' 'Processed,' and Other Meaningless Nutrition Buzzwords You Should Ignore
If I hear one more food described as "good for gut health" I'm gonna scream.

How Does Potato Milk Stack Up, Nutritionally?
The latest plant-based milk is, unsurprisingly, kind of starchy.

The Quickest, Easiest Foods to Eat for Long-Lasting Energy
When you're tired or busy, you need healthy food that doesn't take long to make.

The Difference Between ‘Portion Size’ and ‘Serving Size’ (and Why It Matters)
Serving sizes are mass produced; portion sizes are individual.

How Leftover Pasta Can Keep the 'Hangries' Away
Reheated pasta, rice, or potatoes may actually be able to stave off a blood-sugar crash.

The Fastest, Easiest Post-Workout Snacks That Aren't a Shake or Bar
We need easy-to-digest carbs—and less protein than we think.

The Right Way to Use a Scale to Track What You Eat
If you're tracking macros, a food scale is a good idea. But you have to know how to use it.

How to Lose Weight Without Buying Into Diet Culture
It's fine if you want to lose weight. You don't need diet culture to do it.

Why You Should Stop 'Saving Room' for Dessert
Skimping on a healthy dinner in order to fill up on dessert is a recipe for a stressful evening.

How to Convince Your Stubborn Parents to Stop Eating so Much Junk
When's the last time you were able to get your parents to change anything, ever?

The Best Paid Diet App (and the Best Free Alternatives)
MacroFactor provides exactly the functions I used to have to cobble together from three different apps.