Becca Lewis

You Can Actually Rent Goats to Eat Weeds in Your Yard
Why weed your garden yourself when you can rent hungry goats to do it for you?

Seven Ways to Make Your Home Decor Look Timeless
Start by choosing things you love and materials that will last.

The Six Steps You Should Take After a Tree Falls on Your House
Get out, stay safe, and take photos.

Everywhere Else You Can Install Solar Panels
Yes, it's possible to collect electricity from the sun without putting solar panels on your roof.

The Best Ways to Fake Natural Light in a Dark Space
Turn that dark, sunless room into a bright oasis.

The Most Common Windshield Wiper Problems (and How to Fix Them)
No one thinks about their windshield wipers—until they stop working.

You Should Add This Water-Powered Light to Your Emergency Kit
Salt-water lights need no batteries or sunlight—as the name implies, all they need is water and salt.

This New Smart Home Standard Is Designed to Lower Your Energy Use
The Home Connectivity Alliance wants you to network your smart appliances together to save on your electric bill.

Use This App to Gamify Saving Money on Your Electricity Bill
With the help of AI, you can use less electricity, lower your electric bill, and earn cash for doing it.

How to Install a Wireless Light Switch
Control your lights from anywhere in your house—without running any new wires.

How (and When) to Paint an Appliance
You can freshen up your kitchen without shelling out for all new appliances: Here's how to paint them instead.

Use These AI Tools Before Your Next Home Renovation Project
AI can provide design inspiration—and give you an idea of how much it'll all cost.

You Can Save Money on Your Electric Bill With a Portable Heat Pump
Choose the right sized heat pump for your space and get heat with improved efficiency and lower cost.

The Best Way to Remove Old Wallpaper
Here's the simplest way to get rid of stubborn wallpaper.

How to Fix a Buzzing Light Fixture
All the common reasons for a light might start to buzz, and how to stop it once and for all.

How to Fit and Install Snow Chains
Put your snow chains on like a pro with these simple steps.

How to Recycle Every Type of Material Left Over From Your DIY Projects
All of that leftover metal, wood, fabric, and tile can find a new home—if you know where to look.

You Should Join the Audubon Society’s Christmas Bird Count This Year
You can start an exciting new holiday tradition this year—and contribute to community science.

The Best Gifts for DIYers (That Aren’t Tools)
You can give your favorite DIY enthusiast a great holiday gift without needing to pick out a tool.

The Best Tool Gifts for Landscaping and Garden Enthusiasts
These tools will help anyone own the outdoors, from lawns to fences and everything in between.