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Why Allergy Season Is Getting Longer
No, you're not imagining it—and you can blame climate change.

Where to Donate Locally to Help People Access Abortions
With Roe v. Wade likely to be overturned, local abortion funds are the most direct way to help people access care.

Why Safe Drug Disposal Matters (and How to Do It)
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is this weekend.

What Is 'Period Flu' and How Can You Deal With It?
It's not unheard-of to get flu-like symptoms right before you get your period.

I Guess It's Time to Talk About Testicle Tanning
Tucker Carlson seems to think it's a good way to boost testosterone.

Stop Saying Exercise ‘Ruins Your Knees,’ FFS
Running, squatting, and other exercises are better for your knees than just sitting around.

How Many Calories Do You Actually Burn During Sex?
To those who can actually do 30 minutes of the "Butter Churner," we salute you.

This Is the ‘Ideal’ Amount of Time to Spend in the Shower
You need to get clean, but you don't want to waste water. Here's how to find the perfect balance.

How to Discreetly Obtain Birth Control
No one but your doctor and your pharmacist need know you're on birth control.

What Is 'Brain Fog' (and When Is It Serious?)
The term brain fog can mean a lot of different things. Here's when to see a doctor.

All the Places You Can Get Athlete’s Foot That Aren’t Your Feet
Athlete's foot, jock itch, ringworm, and toenail fungus are all basically the same thing—but treated differently.

How to Care for (and Reduce the Appearance of) a Scar
There are things you can do before and after a surgery to help it heal.

'Ergonomics’ Is More Personalized Than You Think
If the word ‘ergonomics’ has entered the chat because your office chair is trying to murder you, here’s everything you need to know.

These Simple Home Health Tests Are Actually Worth Trying
There are a lot of ways you can check your own health at home without a doctor or a kit—but only a handful are actually useful.

Why Sitting on the Ground Can Be Good for Your Health
Getting into and out of sitting on the ground develops strength and mobility.

How to Tell If Your Kid Has Mono
It's not just a "kissing disease"—young kids can get it too.

How to Hide That You're Pooping
Your business doesn't have to be everybody else's.