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These U.S. Cities Are Seeing the Biggest Drops in Home Prices
What this means for those looking to buy and sell houses.

How to Split Rent When Some Rooms Are Better Than Others
Are you ready to outbid your roommates to secure the best room in the house?

It's Cheaper to Buy a House Than Rent in These Cities
Purchase prices and rents are skyrocketing, but there are areas where home ownership isn't entirely out of reach.

Here Are the 5 Cheapest Metro Areas to Buy a House in 2022
Remote workers can rejoice over these under-the-radar destinations.

The Cheapest American Metro Areas to Buy a Home Right Now
With the cost of houses continuing to rise, location can make a big difference.

What to Look for in a House If You Want to Start a Family
Beyond good schools and a quiet street, it helps if you can find these features.

Should You Pay Off Your Starter Home, or Save Cash for the Next One?
The market’s too hot but you’ve already stocked away a down payment—so what’s your best move?

How Much It Costs to Buy a House With Your Friend
In between bites of avocado toast, debt-riddled millennials are buying homes as a group.

How to Buy a House With 'Just' $12,000 Down
Home prices have never been higher, but that doesn't mean you need a hundred grand in cash to get a mortgage.

Answer These Questions Before Buying a House With a Friend
Make it through the process with your friendship intact.

How to Spot a Shady Landlord (Before It’s Too Late)
Before you sign your lease, watch for these warning signs that the landlord is not someone you want to deal with.

Where to Stash Your Down Payment If You’re Waiting for the Housing Market to Crash
When shopping for a new home, keep your down payment in a low-risk savings account.

These Apps and Sites Can Help Protect You From a Bad Landlord
Let's start by making sure they don't (unfairly) keep your security deposit.

How to Buy a Foreclosed Home
Buying a property in foreclosure can (sometimes) save you money.

Home-Buyer ‘Love Letters’ Are Tacky and Manipulative, Actually
These buyer letters are meant to sway sellers for all the wrong reasons.

Why Your Rent Is Often More Than a Mortgage Payment
Comparing rent to mortgage payments doesn't factor in the hidden costs of homeownership.

Is the Housing Market Going to Crash?
The housing market is hotter than hot—but for different reasons than what caused the crash in 2007.

When Can You Back Out of Buying a Home Without Losing Your Earnest Money?
Depending on your reason, you might have to forfeit your deposit.

How to Not Go Broke the Next Time You Move
Because moving is always more expensive than you expect it to be if you're not strategic about it.