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You Should Recycle the Potting Soil From Your Dead Plants
Stop tossing your potting soil away with the dead plants—you can save it and revive it for next year.

These Vegetables Will Still Ripen After You Pick Them
If overnight frost forced you to raid your garden before everything is ready, don't despair.

Buy These Garden Essentials on Sale Before Fall
Autumn's almost here and you know what that means: We’re going garden shopping.

How to Overwinter Your Tomato Plants
Get a head start on next year's tomato plants this fall.

How to Overwinter Your Pepper Plants
Tame your fall heartbreak by letting your favorite pepper plants hibernate inside.

Avoid These Mistakes When Planting Bulbs in the Fall
Do it the right way now, and save time and effort later.

You Should Divide These Perennials in Late Summer
Instead of growing from seed, you can save time and money by dividing these existing plants in your yard.

Here's What Those Spray Paint Marks on Trees Mean
They're (usually) part of a color-coded system—not graffiti.

The Best Ways to Keep Plants Alive During a Heatwave
Put away the umbrellas, and put these longterm plans into place to protect your garden from a warming planet.

When to Use a Weed Burner on Stubborn Weeds
A weed burner can help rid your outdoor space of recurring weeds with hard-to-reach roots.

Do These Tasks This Month to Prepare Your Garden for Fall
The garden might be (very) hot right now, but things are going to cool down soon.

The Best Plants to Put in Your Bedroom
These low-maintenance houseplants will tie the room together.

Save Yourself From the Next ‘Jalapeño Gate’
Here's what to know for next year if you want to avoid growing mystery peppers.

Use These Smart Tools to Automate Your Plant Care
When you just can't seem to keep your houseplants alive, smart devices can help.

The Best Way to Compost If You Don't Want to Compost
Vermicomposting is like having a compost factory in your yard—and you never have to touch an actual worm.

Why You Shouldn't Use Garden Soil for Plants in Outdoor Containers
It doesn't have what your plants need to grow and thrive.

Make Easy Garden Pest Traps With These Common Kitchen Staples
Beer, soy sauce, and old-fashioned soap and water can go a long way toward ridding common garden pests.

Cheaper Capers Are Already In Your Garden
Those low-lying, bright orange and red flowers make a great caper substitute.

Why You Should Order Your Spring Bulbs Right Now
If you want those pops of color come spring, it's time to start ordering your tulips, alliums, daffodils, and more.

Make an Automatically Watering Plant Wall With Your Washing Machine
There's a way to automatically bring fresh water to your indoor plants, and it's right in your house.