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Be Fashionably Late With the Help of These Two Cocktails
Oh, it's meandering time on Procrastination Street.

Master Simplicity With the Gold Rush Cocktail
Make someone a drink, you sauce them for a day; teach someone to make a drink, you sauce them for life.

Yes, You Can Make Pumpkin Seed Milk (and It's Pretty Good)
Pumpkin seeds make a surprisingly light and creamy alt-milk.

You Should Spike Your Shirley Temple
Because everyone, even cocktails, have to grow up eventually.

Embrace Your End of Summer Feelings With the Warday's Cocktail
A drink for wishing the moment would never end while looking to new beginnings.

Look on the Brighter Side With an M&M Cocktail
Mezcal and Amaro Montenegro are so great together, they might manage to convince me the glass is half-full.

Always Take the Ice Out of the Bag
My disdain for that bag is second only to my disdain for how certain people handle it.

Stay Awhile in a Fugue State With the 'Fog-Dweller'
I am many things, but a beacon toward a way out of a life hangover is not one of them right now.

Slip Back Into Your Pre-Pandemic Groove With a Bin & Gitters
I haven't left my hotel room in 48 hours because I forgot how to be a person and outside is scary.

How to Keep Your Coaster From Sticking to Your Drink
It’s not some great tragedy, but it is quite annoying.

Consider the Mojito When in Need of a Daydream Excursion
Come, let us slowly sway in the hammock of the mind.

Make Love Stay With the Intro to Aperol
A real love potion demands sincerity, consideration, and a bit of surprise.

How to Choose the Coffee Brewing Method That's Right for You
Pour over is great if that's what you prefer, but your automatic coffeemaker is A-OK too.

Have an Affair With Gloria
The Negroni will understand and won't hold it against you.

Make This Cocktail in Memoriam of the Perfect Peach
I can't eat peaches without getting depressed, so I just drink them instead.

How to Make Simple Syrup in Less Than a Minute
This no-heat method makes simple syrup that can be used right away.

Your Iced Coffee Needs Some Citrus Soda
The citrus and carbonation lightens up your daily morning beverage.

Pour Your Paper Plane Over Crushed Ice
Shaking a cocktail correctly is basically aerobics, and I just can't be bothered right now.

Slide Into the Weekend With a Boozy B&B
The B&B is especially well-suited for after-dinner drinks.