A.A. Newton

7 Last-minute Gift Card Ideas (That Aren’t Amazon or Starbucks)
Don't chose a last-minute gift card that is so obviously a last-minute gift.

How to Make a Vegan Roast You'll Actually Want to Eat
Don't gamble on a shady grocery store vegan holiday roast. Use this recipe to make a great one at home.

Try These Thanksgiving Main Dish Alternatives to Break Free From Turkey Tyranny
Not everyone likes turkey. Whether you're hosting or just an ambitious guest, any one of these main dish alternatives will steal the show.

Every Thanksgiving Recipe You Can Microwave (and Those You Can't)
Figuring out what can and cannot be cooked in the microwave is surprisingly tricky.

Is 'Fertility Awareness' Contraception Right for You?
Fertility awareness has come a long way since the “rhythm method.”

How to Choose the Right Birth Control Pill for You
Combination or mini-pill? Which generation? How many active pills per pack? There are more options than you may realize.

Stop Making Bad Coleslaw
Making the best coleslaw you've ever tasted isn't hard to do. Just follow these guidelines.

The Secret to Making the Perfect Pasta Salad
Sometimes it's actually better to make overcooked pasta.

Tofu Freaking Rules
It's not a "meat replacement." With the enormous variety of tofu out there, it's its own thing.

Put Hash Browns Inside Your Breakfast Sandwich
Potatoes are a pure form of good. Especially crispy hash browns. So put them in your breakfast sandwich.

Turn Any Vegetable Into a Smoky Dip
Go ahead: Burn some veggies and make a fabulous dip.

Your Breakfast Sandwich Needs Pickles
Even a perfect breakfast sandwich can benefit from the pickle's zing.

The Easiest Way to Prevent a Soggy Sandwich
No one likes mushy bread, use these tips to keep your sandwich in tip-top shape for longer.

The Best Way to Weigh Down Your Pie Crusts
When it comes to seamlessly filling every curve and providing dense weight, dried beans won't cut it.

Your Small Apartment Can Still Fit a Chest Freezer
Before you say, "there's not enough space," hear me out.

You Should Poach Your Next Chicken
This humble cooking method opens the door to an entire week's worth of flavorful meals.

When dealing with grease, reverse your hand-washing order.

What to Buy (and Skip) at ALDI
Even in inflationary times, the German-owned grocery chain offers famously low prices.

How to Identify and Report an Illegal Job Posting
There’s a fine line between “this job would probably suck” and “this is actually illegal."

Everything You Need to Meal Prep Like a Pro
The right tools will turn your kitchen into a batch-cooking factory.