You know you need to pay your credit card bill on time, and that you should aim not to keep balance. But do you know what everything on your credit card statement actually means?
Here’s an example statement from, which breaks down what you need to know:
Account Summary: Shows your previous balances and payments, current balances for the billing cycle, how much of your credit is still available, etc.
Previous Balance: If you did not pay off your entire last billing cycle, the remaining amount will be including on your new statement. You’ll want to pay it off ASAP so it stops earning interest. In this example, the card holder paid off the entire $482.42 balance in full, so there’s nothing to worry about.
New Balance (aka Statement Balance or Outstanding Balance): The amount due for the current statement period. This includes Purchases (every day expenses and bills) as well as your Previous Balance and any Fees, Cash Advances and Interest Charges accrued.
Minimum Payment: How much you need to pay by the Payment Due Date to avoid a late fee. You should always pay more than the minimum to ensure you don’t fall behind, incur interest and build debt (ideally, you pay the New Balance/Statement Balance in full each month). The table included in the bottom right shows how long it would take you to pay off the statement balance if you only paid the minimum each month.
Grace Period: This isn’t listed on the bill per se, however you have a grace period between the end of your billing cycle and due date during which you will not incur interest on your balance. Under the CARD Act, if “a credit card company offers a grace period (as most do), they must give you at least 21 days from when you get your statement to pay before they start charging interest on new purchases,” writes In the above statement example, the billing cycle ends on 12/28/17, however the card owner had until 1/23/18 to pay off the balance. (Balance transfers typically do not get this grace period.)
“Paying your new balance in full by the due date triggers a break on interest on new purchases during the current billing cycle—if you pay in full consistently,” writes
Not everyone qualifies for a grace period, and if you don’t pay off your bill before the due date, you could lose it in the future. And you’ll start accruing interest right away, as explains:
[C]arrying a balance of any size into the next billing cycle means there is no grace period on your purchases during that cycle. The card company will begin charging interest on your purchases the day you make them. So leaving even $1 in unpaid balance on your card will cost you considerably more than the measly finance charges on that dollar.
The site reports it could take two months of paying on time and in full after you’ve carried a balance to qualify for the grace period again (your Card Agreement will have your exact grace period terms outlined).
Available Credit: How much of your credit limit—Credit Access Line, in the statement above—you can still use before you need to pay back some of the bill.
You can think of this in terms of your credit utilization: To maximize your score, keep your balance to 30 percent of your limit (10 percent is better). Your Available Credit should at least be 70 percent of your Credit Access Line. In the above example, the card owner is using around 10.5 percent of his limit.
To keep your utilization low and your available credit high, you can make payments throughout the month, before your due date. This will give your score a slight boost and ensure that you can afford your bill.
How Paying a Credit Card Works |