California Pizza Kitchen is delivering free uncooked pizzas over Grubhub today, starting 11 a.m. in each time zone. Find California Pizza Kitchen on the Grubhub app, order a “take and bake” pizza, and Grubhub will automatically apply a discount during checkout.
For the rest of October, any time you spend $15 or more at CPK on Grubhub, you can also get a free take-and-bake pizza. Just one free pizza per day per customer, you teenage mutant ninja turtle.
As Fast Company points out, you’ll need your own oven to cook this “mediocre” pizza. I put this in quotes not because I doubt Fast Company—when that site dares to talk shit about a brand, you know they’re serious—but because I have never eaten at California Pizza Kitchen, and thus I cannot in good conscience repeat their opinion without the traditional “reporter’s scare quotes.”