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What to eat, and why
More Nutrition

No, We Aren’t All Eating “Too Much” Protein
Yes, the average American gets more than the minimum—and that’s a good thing.

What the 30-30-30 Trend Gets Right About Weight Loss (and What It Gets Wrong)
Eating protein and exercising every morning isn’t a bad thing—but there’s no reason to be so strict about it.

The Easiest Ways to Get More Vitamin D in Your Diet
No need to drown yourself in spoonfuls of cod liver oil.

TikTok Myth of the Week: Freezing Bread Makes It Healthier
Resistant starch is a real thing, but freezing your bread is not a meaningful health hack.

How to Accurately Count Calories (and Why You Might Want To)
What app should you use? How do you track homemade food? We have all the answers here.

Waiting to Drink Your Coffee Until Mid-morning Is a Useless 'Hack'
It’s time to retire this myth once and for all.

TikTok Myth of the Week: 'Oatzempic' Is a Weight Loss Hack
It’s just watered-down oatmeal, folks.

Please, Don't Trust AI to Identify Mushrooms
Foraging for wild food is not a skill that robots have mastered.

What to Eat After a Workout
Carbs and protein can help you recover, but don't let your post-workout meal sabotage your big-picture plans.

Leftover Rice Won't Kill You Like Social Media Says
Food safety matters with rice, but that doesn’t mean you have to throw out your leftovers.

Will TikTok's 'Sleepy Girl Mocktail' Actually Help You Sleep?
Tart cherry juice and magnesium might help you feel drowsy, but watch out for the side effects.

Why You Can't Get All Your Protein From Collagen Powder
Collagen is indeed a protein, but it’s incomplete—so it shouldn’t make up too much of your total protein intake.

How to Start Meal Prepping Without It Taking Over Your Life
You don't have to spend all Sunday cooking just to have a few things to eat for the week.

The Good and the Bad of the 800-Gram Fruit and Vegetable Challenge
Eating 800 grams of vegetables is probably good for you! Weighing all your food and consulting “yes/no” lists may not be.

TikTok Myth of the Week: Vegetables Are Bad for You
On the one hand, studies have repeatedly found that vegetables are good for us. On the other, a few edgelords on TikTok say they are poison. Who to trust?

What Is BVO, and Why Is the FDA Banning It in Drinks?
Brominated vegetable oil isn't in Mountain Dew anymore, but it's still in some other sodas.

Why Washing Lettuce Doesn't Get Rid of E. Coli
E. coli, Salmonella, and other bacteria can't be fully removed by washing.

TikTok Myth of the Week: Bananas Destroy the Nutrients in Smoothies
According to a new study, you should never put a banana in your smoothie...or should you?

MSG Isn't Actually Bad for You
Is MSG bad for you? The answer is "no," monosodium glutamate has been demonized for no good reason.

The Best Water Filters to Remove 'Forever Chemicals'
Forever chemicals may be in your water, but you can reduce the amount with these PFAS-removing filters.